How It Works

We help B2B companies create video podcasts, series, and short-form content that fuel an efficient content engine and make them the preferred option for future buyers.

Video Series & Podcast

Produce polished, engaging full-length shows that captivate and retain viewers. Our team ensures your content stands out and delivers value from start to finish.

Short-Form Video Creation

Create impactful short-form video clips designed for social media. We craft attention-grabbing content that boosts engagement and drives traffic to your main offerings.

Virtual Setup

We'll help you setup your recording space with the right lighting, microphone, and camera to create the best content while you're recording.

How It Works

Onboarding Process

We’ll establish your brand’s unique video style, create custom assets, set you up in our portal, and get you ready to submit your content as soon as it’s created.

Content Upload

Simply upload your content to our portal, submit a request, and we'll begin the production process right away.


Once your content is complete, it's ready for distribution across the channels that matter most to your business.

Working with Wavely

Customized Video

We design unique video formats that align with your brand’s identity, ensuring every piece of content is tailored to your vision and makes a strong impression in the market.

Unlimited Team Members

Benefit from unlimited access for your entire team, allowing seamless collaboration and coordination on your video content without any limitations.

Playbooks & Guides

Access our detailed playbooks and guides, showcasing effective strategies and best practices for producing engaging video content and podcasts, streamlining your content creation process.

1 Week Onboarding

Our efficient onboarding process equips you with all necessary tools, training, and support to start creating high-quality video content and podcasts within a week.


Check out the frequently asked questions. Can’t find what are you looking for?

Why wouldn't we just hire our own editor?

To match what Wavely offers, you'd need more than just an editor; you'd require a full team: a video editor, animator, audio editor, graphic designer, copywriter, project manager, and content strategist. Building this team in-house can lead to delays, hiring challenges, and the complexity of managing multiple roles. Wavely streamlines the process, providing everything you need to efficiently create and scale your content strategy.

How long does it take to get our content deliverables?

We'll typically get your content deliverables uploaded in 3 days once a request is made. Over this period, we'll be communicating with you through our portal to ensure that everything is up to your standard.

What is a request and how many do I get?

A "request" is whenever you want to extract content, be it full-length episodes or video clips, from an episode. You can add multiple requests to your queue, but we focus on one request at a time. After completing the active request, feel free to add another to the queue.

Will you format each episode the way I want?

We customize the show precisely to your preferences. Whether it's intro/outro music, special recurring segments, or specific content edits, we follow your lead. Each episode is produced according to the template you establish. Should you wish to add something unique to a particular video episode, just let us know when you submit your request.

How do virtual recordings work?

We'll work with you to setup your recording virtual space with the right lighting, microphone, and camera. Upon the completion of your recording, simply upload the RAW files into your account for us to begin the post production.

What's included in our coaching calls?

Let's work together on honing your distinctive angle or hook, shaping your video's structure, fine-tuning your interview format, and designing your contents overall look (including artwork and music).

Can I cancel anytime?

There are no contracts or commitments. If you need to put your show on hold or take a month off, you can simply "pause" your account. This ensures your account stays active while temporarily halting payments until you're ready to resume.









B2B Content
Made Easy

Let's work together to simplify your content creation process.

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